Thursday, September 18, 2008

Marin County Bicycle Coalition's Publicity Stunt Patrol

Why is the MCBC's China Camp bike patrol ineffective? For starters it does little to address the main problems with bikes in China Camp;
  • namely that there is too much bike travel there that's taking a serious toll on trail conditions, especially during rain days,
  • it does nothing to address the fact of illegal trail riding on off limits narrow trails in the park,
  • Is there reportage to China Camp Rangers of jump ramps and worn hillsides?
  • MCBC does nothing to advocate for increasing fines for illegal bike riding or
  • for advocating for some type of fee structure for park use. This is particularly disturbing as the main user of China Camp are bikers and right now, they ride FOR FREE.
It seems clear from the above that the MCBC bike patrol is therefore a smokescreen to foster an image of concern for the open space and thereby create in the public mind the impression that mountain biking advocates are actually doing something positive for the trails that they destroy.

Here's some recent photographic evidence of trail destruction at China Camp.

There are numerous spots like these at China Camp.

The next set of photos reveal an actively used illegal bike trail at China Camp. There are a number of these throughout the State Park.

If you are disturbed by the continued destruction by bikes of the trail system in China Camp State Park, please call the Marin District manager for the California State Parks, Danita Rodriguez at, 415-898-4362 ex 15

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